If you do not get lowered in your own eyes
When you raise yourself in those of others
If you don't succumb to gossips and lies
But dismiss them calmly saying "Who bothers"
You may be the person,I have been looking for.
If you crave not for applause when you win
And look not for sympathy while you lose.
If praise makes not your head toss and spin
And after a setback you offer no excuse
You may be the person,I have been looking for.
If you listen to counsel without getting sore
And re assess yourself in the light thereof.
If you pledge not to be obstinate any more
And accept others without frown and scoff
You may be the person,I have been looking for
Kya baat hai Miss Jurnalist .. M touchd ;)
Gr8... Beyond words.... Falling short of words to post a comment... M touched n emotional too :)
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