I sit on the steps of my air castle
Drink espresso black...
Putting my taste buds to test
My lips I lick...
With the computer on my lap--
Quietly I wonder:
Into your dreams I click.
Some words and the voices
In the dark echo back.
Just like on a white canvas
A red heart--
You add colour to my life,
Know how to love me;
I am your Hermit Crab!
Heavens possess this crying tool--
Thirst quenching liquid
I call it water,
You call it rain.
In a heavy outpour
It's coming down like a melody,
A beautiful refrain.
You are more than an illusion,
Or a dream, I could not depart from.
Since you are travelling again
I had to tell you fast
How I am missing you
Do you?
About us, I won't tell anyone( if you don't want)
Our secret is in a folder
Marked 'delete not...'
It will be well kept.
Between the pages love is hiding
No one will ever know
It's depth.
If you find a new horizon
To keep company with,
And it's not the same shade
As mine,
When the voices in the dark
Again become crystal clear
Just click: 'I am online.'
You will find me here.....................
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