Sunday, August 28, 2011

Love Is Missing You Whenever You’re Apart............

"Heading towards the limit of the height
as if I am going to touch the sky
Thrilling journey, risky path
I could feel amazing with blowing mind
and throbbing heart.
Just gone vanished all perplexity and fear
because always you were there..

I always wonder that when I miss you, is it because I love you? I keep on fighting with myself that what’s the reason for missing you?Or, do I want you always with me when I need you to lean on?
Whatever the reason is, it’s very nice feeling to miss you. I keep on thinking about you whole day and night and start imagining you near me.People ask me,why do i miss you? How do i miss you? I feel it’s the sweet pain and I love missing you..........because while missing you I somehow feel warm inside because I feel you close in my heart....and makes me feel complete......
People often hide their feelings in front of the person they are missing. We must keep our ego aside and convey our feelings to that person. Life is too short; if you love or you miss someone do let them know. If that person understands you, it would never ruin your relationship.............

I wish that you were here or that I were there, or that we were together anywhere!!!!!!!!!!!!

Each day I wait with bated breath
For a call or a message from you...
Though my phone rings frequently,
Messages from you are but few.

I know it is asking too much
To be in touch all the time...
But my heart just refuses to listen
And your absence makes me pine.

The few moments we spend together
Seem to get over so very fast...
I wish those times would never end
That they would just last and last.

The times when you are not in touch
Are just so hard for me to bear...
Silent tears stream down my cheeks
For you so much I care.

Each time we have to say bye
Brings my heart so much pain...
I don't know what next time will bring
The mere thought drives me insane.

Those simple messages and calls
I look forward to each and every day...
For it shows that you think of me
Whatever may come your way.

So even if you are really busy
With over a million things to do...
Try and send me a message or a call
Just to say I miss you too.

Sunday, August 21, 2011


I flinch when the rain falls on the pavement,
I scowl when things don't go my way,
I cry when people just don't get it,
I lie when I am honestly not okay,

I keep my head up no matter what,
I throw the first punch if needed,
I glare when people are irritating,
I smile at sappy sayings,

I giggle when things are becoming much too serious,
I tremble when I'm afraid,
I cross my eyes and make funny faces to make my sis laugh at me,

I write things down when I feel broken,
I sing when I don't feel loved, even when I do,
I read my diary and stay up late so I can see everything from start to finish,

I would rather be fashionably late than drastically early,
I eat chocolate when I am dumped,
I watch chick flicks when I am angry,
I eat ice cream only when I am alone,

I would give everything to another person if it meant I could save their life,
I try to be rational in traffic, I end up honking my horn,
I am misunderstood, to figure it out reverse psychology works best,
I overreact on so many things being an emotional disaster,

My life is complicated and so am I,
Though sometimes no one seems to care..........

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Miles Apart................I Am Here For You !!!!!

When I walk with you,I feel my journey to be complete,
When I hug you close to my heart,I can listen to your silence,
When I talk to you,I feel I am free from all bonding,
Nothing to lose,nothing to gain,
Just be in your arms and feel your warmth,
The soft care of your touch,
Make me feel I am the only one in your world.
We are far apart but I can feel your existence everywhere,
Now and then,in the wind,in the trees,in silence,in my room,
And solely in my soul which is lonely without you,
In my mind,my eyes,
Which is always in search of you,
I know I am far away,
but not so far.
That you cannot hold my hand,
In your whisper.
If your eyes are upon the stars
In the crystalline darkness,
I will become the moon,
And the light shall guide you.
If you rest upon the ground,
In the warmth........
I will become the grass
And embrace you.
If you turn outside
In the wetness
I will become the rain.
If you free in the air,
In the sunny day,
I will become the sun,behind the clouds
And smile for you.
Kiss your forehead
And tell you..........
Just sense me and I will be there.
I know I need you,and I am missing you
But I want to be with you
Only with you.
Forever and ever after.....................................

Friday, August 19, 2011

CALL ME BACK .......................

If you knew it would be the last time
That you would see me fall asleep,
would you tuck me in more tightly,
And pray the God my soul to keep?

If you knew it would be the last time
That you would see me walk out the door,
would you give me a hug and kiss,
And call me back for once more?

If you knew it would be the last time
you would hear my voice lifted up in praise,
would you video tape each action and word,
So you could play them back day after day?

If you knew it would be the last time,
could you spare an extra minute or two,
To stop and say "you love me,?"

But just in case you might be wrong,
And today is all you get,
Would you like to say how much you love me?

Tomorrow is not promised to anyone,
Young or old alike,
And today may be the last chance
You get to hold your loved one tight.

So if you're waiting for tomorrow,
Why not do it today?
For if tomorrow never comes,
You'll surely regret the day.

That you didn't take that extra time
For a smile, a hug, or a kiss,
And you were too busy to grant her
What turned out to be her one last wish.

So hold your loved ones close today,
And whisper in her ear,
That you love her very much, and
You'll always hold her dear.

Take time to say "I'm sorry,"
"Please forgive me," "thank you" or "it's okay".
And if tomorrow never comes,
You'll have no regrets about today.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

LONELY EVENING..............

The dreary Evening has set in,
The Sun is on its downward descend;
The birds swarm to their cozy nests,
And I sit here alone in the silence of the dusk.

I know not what to think about,
The topics are too many to say the least,
But a face keeps flashing in my wary mind
Just wish people could see what a beauty he is.

Those beautiful eyes have the depth of the seas,
The endless silent space beseeches one to wander away;
Ah how do I explain his beauty!
One has to see it to understand, As I did.

The person is miles apart,
But he remains with me.........always,
When the lonely wind blows and the sun begins to set,
I begin to wonder is something amiss
Or is this what was meant to be?

Lots of people are in love.
Many a times I wonder how love would feel;
years have passed and I realize it now,Love is what I feel when I'am with you.
As I walk through those lonely roads and the wind touches my face,
I begin to yearn for love again, love from you again........ once more.

Friday, August 5, 2011

NEVER LEAVE ME ALONE............................

The light of the room is blazing at its best

Yet condensed darkness around

No birds chirping in the woodland

And silence inbound

Yet condensed

The cry of broken dreams

The sounds of the favorite voice

The tune of the ever desired smile

Buzzing like echo coming back time to time.

The stranger white clouds

Playing hide and seek with the moon

Yet the world is filled with melancholy

Raining of tears from the eye

Drops of sadness trickling down through the cheeks

No sniffle only rolling down of silent tears heavy and salty

Someone in the earth is sad and lonely.

The abandoned joy

The discarded commitments

The acute loneliness

Explore the world of melancholy.

The present is miserable

Seems like future doesn't exist

All there reigns is the past

None can edit.

Heart beating as always used to

Lung pumping as ever it do

Blood is red as usual

Only one thing missing

The grief is severe yet overcome,

just there is no feeling.

A sharp knife, a bottle of poison,

A spiral rope hanging from the ceiling,

A gallon of gasoline

There plenty of options out there for choosing.

All thoughts are centered

On composing the moment forthcoming

Now there is a future

There is a dream

The dead one can't come back

But the alive-ones can choose going.

(The poem is ended.

But I really can't conclude it.

My heart is not satisfied so the following verses are added.)

Step by step

Going ahead, the option of gasoline has been chosen

The body is wet, only one step left

Setting the fire on the head

Time seems to be stopped

Silence and darkness

Fire set but no pain

No warmth, no casualty yet.

On my surprise a cold hand in the forehead

Calling me to wake up

It is evening; not an idle time to lie in bed.

I can’t speak

Immediately a drop of tear

Start rolling down the cheek

I embrace you firmly

In the warmth of your bosom

Few words come out of my lip

“Never leave me alone,

I can’t live”.