The light of the room is blazing at its best
Yet condensed darkness around
No birds chirping in the woodland
And silence inbound
Yet condensed
The cry of broken dreams
The sounds of the favorite voice
The tune of the ever desired smile
Buzzing like echo coming back time to time.
The stranger white clouds
Playing hide and seek with the moon
Yet the world is filled with melancholy
Raining of tears from the eye
Drops of sadness trickling down through the cheeks
No sniffle only rolling down of silent tears heavy and salty
Someone in the earth is sad and lonely.
The abandoned joy
The discarded commitments
The acute loneliness
Explore the world of melancholy.
The present is miserable
Seems like future doesn't exist
All there reigns is the past
None can edit.
Heart beating as always used to
Lung pumping as ever it do
Blood is red as usual
Only one thing missing
The grief is severe yet overcome,
just there is no feeling.
A sharp knife, a bottle of poison,
A spiral rope hanging from the ceiling,
A gallon of gasoline
There plenty of options out there for choosing.
All thoughts are centered
On composing the moment forthcoming
Now there is a future
There is a dream
The dead one can't come back
But the alive-ones can choose going.
(The poem is ended.
But I really can't conclude it.
My heart is not satisfied so the following verses are added.)
Step by step
Going ahead, the option of gasoline has been chosen
The body is wet, only one step left
Setting the fire on the head
Time seems to be stopped
Silence and darkness
Fire set but no pain
No warmth, no casualty yet.
On my surprise a cold hand in the forehead
Calling me to wake up
It is evening; not an idle time to lie in bed.
I can’t speak
Immediately a drop of tear
Start rolling down the cheek
I embrace you firmly
In the warmth of your bosom
Few words come out of my lip
“Never leave me alone,
I can’t live”.
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