You mean so much to me
You truly have been a blessing to me
You are my hero and always will be
Your love has kept me alive
Your compassion has helped me to strive
Thank you for being who you are
You knew that I have been through a hell
But you helped me mend my old scars
And you listened to the secrets
Thank you for opening my eyes
.............and finding my heart
You encouraged me to spread my wings and fly
You honestly judged me,right from the start
You never let me forget that I am so strong
I am so happy to see that,after so long
thank you for being there for me when I needed to cry
And for always finding a way to make me smile
You helped me to change my lifestyle
Because of you,I learned how to get through each day
Just letting me know that everything will soon be okay
You taught me ways to handle situations on my own
Now you can see how much I have grown
I could have never done it without you
I once thought that it was impossible
But now I believe I can do whatever I want to do
You helped me learn that anything is possible
Thank you for setting me free...............
God knew I needed someone,I'm so grateful He answered my plea
Words could never being to convey
How much it means to me,that I have you to helped me to see clearly
And to know that you are by my side and will help guide me my way
I love you dearly
Simply thank you for everything